
"I love you and want for you all things that make you happiest; and I guess you, not I, are the one who knows best what those things are."

Friday, August 28, 2009

Small Successes - A Day Late

So yesterday I missed the Small Successes wagon over at Faith and Family Live!. So here's to the small things that add up....


1. My small successes are late because I spent yesterday enjoying my birthday and dealing with a child who was having an allergic reaction to medication. I think the success here is that we've finally figured out the allergy and I didn't let the um-teenth trip to the doctor ruin my happy birthday (not that the small success were late...)

2. On Wednesday John and I made it to 3 appointments before noon. I personally think that impressive for me alone...but with a 10 month old...that deserves some kudos!

3. I've had a sick baby since Sunday. First with pneumonia; now with an allergic reaction to the meds...And I've still managed to get a decent amount of sleep. (Thanks to my extremely laid-back child and a husband who has gotten up a little earlier than normal for a few days.)


  1. thanks for the visit and especially the prayers...I still get nervous!!! +JMJ+

  2. FEEL BETTER!!!!! God Bless you all, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your son stays better, and you get some needed rest!!!

    God Bless you!!!
